About Us

About our church

Christian Science has been a presence on the Redcliffe Peninsula – at the northern tip of Brisbane’s beautiful Moreton Bay – since the late 1930s, when a small group banded together to read the Christian Science Bible Lesson together. Church services have been held at the current location since the 1940s, with extensive renovations occurring in 2002. In 1988 a Reading Room was opened in an arcade in the heart of Redcliffe. Many locals still remember it there.

Today, the Reading Room is in the church building (entrance off Eveline Street) where the comfortable space now doubles as our Sunday School.

We are a branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, a church founded in 1879 by deep spiritual thinker Mary Baker Eddy.

Christian Science is a practical help in business, family, intellectual, sporting, cultural and community activities. You are welcome to visit our Reading Room, church services, Sunday school and special events. We regularly sponsor Christian Science lectures to enable the public to get a correct view of Christian Science. Everyone is free to attend. There is no proselytising.

Our mission:

The mission of this church is summarised in this statement by Mary Baker Eddy:

“To organize a church designed to commemorate the word and works of our Master, which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing.”
Mary Baker Eddy, Church Manual, p.17

"Christian Science is no 'Boston craze;' it is the sober second thought of advancing humanity."
Mary Baker Eddy, No and Yes, p.19